About Me

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I am a young invester/Trader, i mostly focus on Short term or Intra day trading on the equities or Forex markets. I have recently completed my Bachelor of Commerce double major in Finance and Property. I have also completed my RG146 in securities and Financial planning and while trading is a passion my desire is to work within the stockbroking industry or as a trader for an investment bank. This blog I have set up to help share ideas to others on trades and tips i have picked up from my time in the market. I hope you enjoy my blog and some of my ideas :)

Twitter / scilliams

This blog i have designed for a bit of fun, education and sharing of my thoughts in regards to trading the ASX or general equities trading and also FOREX trading. I am no expert and nothing on this blog should be taken as financial advice, it is merely just a tool for myself to share any trading thoughts i have and for people to enjoy reading :)

Friday, January 1, 2010


Hey everyone first of all happy New Year! hope everyone had a good 2009 and will have and even better 2010.

So i have been a bit lazy last week or so not much trading just watching you know thought i would take it easy for the end of the year and start fresh with 2010!!

I have sent off for my Shree IPO, i got sent an update from Colin Vost at Zurich in regards to why he likes the IPO and i will post this on my blog soon :)

Anyway here is a chart on SDL, i bought them a while ago and they have not been doing much, they have recently had a capital raising at 15c and have been sitting just below this area, i really should have bought at 14c but i was a bit slack haha stupid, but anyway now that the chart is giving me a much more clear bullish indication and with the games that have been going on with some big boys accumulating shares i think she is about ready to run, Drilling results will be coming out early this year (2010) with some more updates, they are in the process of gettin a finance partner and have got an interesting year ahead of them. I dont normally do to much research i trust the charts a bit more but i have done so on SDL as i have bought them before and went to the AGM. Still a Speccy but with a stop loss at 13c and the potential for short term to go to about 18.5c or 19c, and long term if they are able to secure finance partners and begin to prove up even more of a resource as is expected i dont see what would stop this stock going to $1 or even higher once in production which is about 3 years away but hey, 15c now to $2 or something crazy maybe even FMG crazy hehe is one heck of a lot of money and i am almost tempted to just hold it for the long term haha, gotta tell the trader inside of me to settle down haha.

Anyway this chart shows that it has broken out of a descending trangle pattern to the up side, it is broken through the 41EMA which is also bullish and the other EMA's are crossing upwards with the indicators turning up on the daily and the weekly. Based on past price movements i see 18.5/19c as a near term target.

SDL 1-1-10

SDL indicators

Enjoy your 2010 :)

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