About Me

My photo
I am a young invester/Trader, i mostly focus on Short term or Intra day trading on the equities or Forex markets. I have recently completed my Bachelor of Commerce double major in Finance and Property. I have also completed my RG146 in securities and Financial planning and while trading is a passion my desire is to work within the stockbroking industry or as a trader for an investment bank. This blog I have set up to help share ideas to others on trades and tips i have picked up from my time in the market. I hope you enjoy my blog and some of my ideas :)

Twitter / scilliams

This blog i have designed for a bit of fun, education and sharing of my thoughts in regards to trading the ASX or general equities trading and also FOREX trading. I am no expert and nothing on this blog should be taken as financial advice, it is merely just a tool for myself to share any trading thoughts i have and for people to enjoy reading :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Trade Planning

Hey All,

I have just recently developed a 'trade planning' word document. One of the things i like about forex is that you can make all your trade plans while you wait patiently for your trades to come together.

I find planning them out gives me a much better idea of what i want to achieve with the trade and have now decided i would write them out and use them as a teaching tool to anyone who is wanting to learn from them.

If you would like a copy of this and a couple of trades i planned out i would be more than happy to email you a copy.


Happy Trading


Fantastic Reading

I read a lot of stuff from a lot of people so generally only try focus on the things i really enjoy.

Anything by Tim Walker i find fascinating, his understanding of Gann is exceptional and actively puts his trade plans to work and has exceptional results.

When i am back to the Equities next financial year i will try attempt something similar to what he has done with STO.

I recommend having a read of any of his work.


Hope you enjoy it as much as i do :)

and remember... knowledge is power :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

CBA 50%

Hey Just did a quick chart on CBA with a repeating range and where that takes the price down to...interesting where that ends up right down on that 50% move of the rise... could maybe get into a bit more detail with the time of the move but ill save that for a week when i have some more time :)

cba 50%

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Parabolic rise 101

Hey everyone,

During the week i had a friend ask me about AUT, i have no idea about the stock so i opened up the chart and i was blown away to say the least. I then said are you in? he said no i want to get in... then i went mmmmmmmmmmmm

I trust charts and they are what i use, If people love the fundamentals happy days and you can stick with the stock but all i can say is if the price comes down you should be happy as you can now buy more? fundamentals still there?

Markets are driven by buying and selling and more often than not emotions can really play a big part in this process.

Anyway some things i know is that generally a parabolic rise in a stock only ends in tears and i can give you countless examples of this but one stock sticks out to me and that is ARM as it is similar price and i remember everyone raving on about how good this thing was near the start of the year and yes it did go to $1 and AUT could easily do the same.

One other thing i need to mention is that i have not included a couple other things on the charts. The recent move up for AUT is also a 200% move of the last major move up so something else to consider.

Anyway im not in and never have been in either stock but just my humble opinion and just remember you need to 'sell' to make money on the stock :P





Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Laying some Cable...

GBP/USD or the cable.

These are my thought when i look at this chart.

Clearly looks like a down trend channel, to me it looks like a 5 wave move that normally could lead into an ABC correction. If it can fib and make a higher low and holds i would be looking to get in for a spot trade and see if we can ride it back up as the USD gets weaker...

gbp 5 wave

gbp abc

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Sorry guys i was away all weekend again,

This week should be interesting, I am expecting a bit of a pull back and maybe another higher swing bottom on a lot of stocks. A friends did some interesting QBE analysis and i might try get a chart up of her tomorrow from my own perspective but is she can hold those lows i might try dipping a toe in this week there.

Few interesting charts around ill try get some up this week but i am going to be working very hard on the FX this week as i am hoping for a bit more volatility in the markets.

P.S. There was some terrible news released from one of my more closely held stocks and more favorite up and comers SDL where 9 executives and 2 Chinese were flying in a plane from one of the tenements in Cameroon to another in the Congo where they have gone missing. No one knows where they are at the moment as the plane has not landed, a full scale search has commenced. Terrible news for the families and investors in the company. Many who i know have a close relationship with these executives and my prayers go out to the families of these fantastic people. Still hoping for the best


Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Hey Guys,

Thought i better get off my lazy behind and do some analysis now i have a much better understanding of the FX markets. I have been hearing many different opinions and am choosing to follow my own as some times to much noise can be distracting.

Anyway this month has been so interesting to see how changes in the currency market can affect the stock market and inter linking them in the future is something i think will help my trading 10 fold im glad i have taken this course really learnt a lot.

Sometimes i have different opinions to my coaches but i guess thats the beauty of trading.

Anyway this is something i have been thinking with the euro...

This First chart is just a short term thing showing the 55EMA which has been capping price the entire way down, This is something i am really watching and am thinking price is going to retest this EMA


This is one of the reasons i think it might have a bit of a retracement (from the down trend) There is strong divergance on the weekly chart as seen here between price and the MACD and the Stochastics


Anyway this last chart is just a Fib of the drop. I have my targets and general plan.


I think the Euro long term will go lower as those fundamental problems are just something you can't ignore and im sure many people (hedgefunds) Are not ignoring. Certainly it could rise up but im guessing it will just be another opportunity to get short as this trend is still well and truely down.

Anyway i will try post more regularly!!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Layout

Yay NEW layout on my GFT Platform finall have the custom pivots

This is the EUR/USD chart just thought i would share, Sorry i havent been updating often I will try get a couple charts up tomorrow



Sunday, June 13, 2010


Sorry About my serious Lacking of posting guys!! i have been a PIP fiend this week on the FX and will be for the month.

Took a quick look over a few charts this weekend and i am to lazy to post right now (Maybe tomorrow) But i am looking at a trade on WOR and WES for maybe the week. I haven't done to much work though on general market and direction but Will try get some stuff up this week.

Sorry Boys and Gals, I have just included my normal Chart on market direction and strength for time and price movements.

No Real commentary except i would love to see a rally over the length of the last one and or more points in movement for me to be convinced bear move is over Then when it retraced less than this last move in either points and time is when i would be wanting to enter if you were holding long term and wanted minimal risks :)


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Risk Rewards

Hey Guys,

Just been working on a new spread sheet more for educational purposes for people, i have not really been focusing on our market as have been flat out learning with the FX stuff and playing a few trades there.

I am going to present at the Perth Conference a lot about what is spoken about in that sheet, so if you guys want a copy and are not attending or want a bit of a sneak preview i should be finished with it today or tomorrow. Swing me and email and im happy to send a copy.


Hope everyone doing well :)

Monday, June 7, 2010


Hey Guys,

I have been away all weekend down south surfing!! was my birthday so decided to take a weekend off and just enjoy it with the family was good times. I have joined FX bootcamp for a bit of forex trading 'training' as i want to get a bit more serious about my FX and in the long run it will help with my share trading so i feel it is money well spent.

If i am a bit quiet about the shares might be for this reason, but i am taking a month and if i like it i will maybe look at doing FX more? Still will be around for some day trades but maybe not around as much might catch me during the night for some FX trades :)

Will try get some stuff up this week with a few charts :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

How to Swing and Range Trade

Well i was a bit drunk last night and was to hungover for the market today so i was helping a friend of a friend with their swing charts and how to kinda explain them. Personally i find that they are the best way to trade and i might not even take a trade unless i am comfortable i can see what the swings might do. Anyway when you apply them with the daily ranges or weekly ranges you can do really well off them. But i must say i am not always waiting for them to be confirmed and as rob has taught me if you can pre empt what they might do then you can get a better entry to the trade. However this is hard and many times it wont work but at least the risk is very small.

I have used MQG as an example as i trade her quite regularly and i felt there was a couple good examples on there. What i have been saying to those i have been 'training' is that you should try drawing swing charts in paint or anything just to see if you are getting them right. Feel free to post here and i or rob or anyone im sure will be happy to help you with them. Practice makes perfect, These are only 1 day swing charts as with such short intra day trading these are enough for me. But you can learn how to do 2 or 3 day ones also as they are much the same rules.

Anyway please look at both charts as they kinda are done from each other. The one with the trade plan and what you might do goes hand in hand with the swing chart as that is where i am getting the trades but when u look at one and then the other you will begin to see the chart with no swings on as having swings on it... amazing i know lol.

Anyway thought it might help you all and happy trading.



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Perth Trading Meet 2010

Hey Guys,

We are setting up a Trading meeting in Perth on the 29th of August if anyone is interested in coming please send me and email or contact me through twitter/hotcopper.

Tickets are $30 for a buffet lunch and presentations.

It is a non profit event and we look forward to your support. Seats are limited to 75 so please get in early as they are filling up fast!!

Hope to see you there :)

