About Me

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I am a young invester/Trader, i mostly focus on Short term or Intra day trading on the equities or Forex markets. I have recently completed my Bachelor of Commerce double major in Finance and Property. I have also completed my RG146 in securities and Financial planning and while trading is a passion my desire is to work within the stockbroking industry or as a trader for an investment bank. This blog I have set up to help share ideas to others on trades and tips i have picked up from my time in the market. I hope you enjoy my blog and some of my ideas :)

Twitter / scilliams

This blog i have designed for a bit of fun, education and sharing of my thoughts in regards to trading the ASX or general equities trading and also FOREX trading. I am no expert and nothing on this blog should be taken as financial advice, it is merely just a tool for myself to share any trading thoughts i have and for people to enjoy reading :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010



Well as most of you know i have accepted a stockbroking job (triple c). I am yet to find out the full details as to what i am able to share and not share through blogs and twitter to the general public but i will still be providing research and insights to any clients.

I am to do a weekly update and to provide market thoughts to those who are clients as i strongly feel brokers NEED to keep in touch with clients and provide opportunities to them to profit from the markets!

I have a lot of ideas i want to bring to my new office and hopefully i will be able to share these in the near future.

Thanks to everyone who read and supported this blog and hopefully you all made some money from a few of my ideas that i shared on here.

If you liked my charts and ideas please feel free to contact me and i will be happy to continue sending you my thoughts once i start work!

Email: scilliamstrading@gmail.com

Once i start work i will put up all my other contact details should anyone want to contact me.

Happy to help and happy trading :)

See you on the STREET!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This is my chart for CTX you have seen it a few times.

Anyway turn date today, and it happened to put in a swing from the previous day.

Risk is relatively small to the lows of the previous day with stops suggest being under 11.50 swing low. Target i don't know if you will see more than $12 but somewhere around there is where i am thinking.


Not to much trading for me i am focusing on the Index and FX for now but this did catch my attention.

