About Me

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I am a young invester/Trader, i mostly focus on Short term or Intra day trading on the equities or Forex markets. I have recently completed my Bachelor of Commerce double major in Finance and Property. I have also completed my RG146 in securities and Financial planning and while trading is a passion my desire is to work within the stockbroking industry or as a trader for an investment bank. This blog I have set up to help share ideas to others on trades and tips i have picked up from my time in the market. I hope you enjoy my blog and some of my ideas :)

Twitter / scilliams

This blog i have designed for a bit of fun, education and sharing of my thoughts in regards to trading the ASX or general equities trading and also FOREX trading. I am no expert and nothing on this blog should be taken as financial advice, it is merely just a tool for myself to share any trading thoughts i have and for people to enjoy reading :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Hey just did a quick chart on AQA after a mate pointed her out to me.

AQA 22-12-09

Things i liked were:

1. Breaking out from the old highs after the gap down now looking to be moving up and to close the gap.

2. Stochstics at the bottom just crossed to the upside with other time frames pointing up.

3. Bounced twice off the 41EMA and looks to be supporting here well.

4. 5 and 13 EMA about to cross the 21 EMA and looking bullish.

5. I will be buying on any dip

Can Either put stop below the 41EMA or below the low of the candle today or yesterday depending on ya risk etc. But initial target for me would be $10.30 to get the gap fill.

Thank for pointing her out to me today... sigh would have been nice if i was paying a bit more attention and found it earlier.

p.s. sorry for the bland chart haha

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Hey everyone,

So i have been updating this blog a bit more than i suggested a week ago but i have been seeing a few things that have interested me lately. BLY is the only one that is not really co-operating but she will come around :)

Anyway i thought i would show you something with JBH, This stock has been pretty amazing to watch this year and it seems they are almost the only store people ever go to, everytime im at the shops all i ever see are these tiny little yellow bags and girls like these...
JBH Girls

Anyway they are nice but lets look at the chart people.

I Am going to show you the 4 hourly chart first which is showing that we should be going long on her for a little scalp, i think she is gonna head back up to $23 but this will be the key now, if it cant make a new high from here above the $23.55 then it will be confirming a downward move, idealling a double top would be fab for a short :)
JBH 4 Hourly

Next i show the daily, this also shows that we should be going long seeing as it closed aboce the trendline and rallied up from here, now watch her to see if it can break to a new high or will reverse. If i had long term stocks and i saw this happen i would be selling boys you have had a good run :) dont be greedy.

JBH Daily 18-12-09

Anyway then from here i would be shorting and looking for a target of 19.58, might even go further but like i said no point in being greedy. Stops aboce the high at 23.72.

Low risk to Reward play but make sure you wait for the confirmation!! Remember not following the crowd sometimes is the most profitable but it could also hurt. shorting JBH at christmas is a scary thought but maybe i just wont shop there!!

Anyway try not gettin emotional about trades and just trade what we see it works much better.

JBH its time you give someone else a turn!!! GO HARVY NORMAN GO hahaha

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Caltex - caltex

When everyone thinks she was sinking We came to the rescue... Let me show you why below...

ctx 15-12-09

She is holding the $8 resistance levels from back in 2004.

Is showing an inverted head and shoulders pattern on the chart and has completed the down range to the resistance. She is looking way oversold and is ready for a move up. Long term i would be lookng for around the $15 mark possibly but i think a more realistic target between 12-13 is more likely attainable. no need to be greedy. hehehe

Minimal risk entry with a tight stop just below $8 and plenty of upside left.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Weekly Updates

Hey Guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates I have jsut been really busy, Sorry. I have decided i will update this blog most likely on the weeknds for a review of the week and what is likely to happen this week or what i am thinking hehe. I will also try and put a few photos on here to keep it interesting and i might even eventually get to videos and show you guys some of the trades i did.

Anyway this week i have bought the stock BLY: boart Longyear a mining services company

BLY 14-12-09

The chart i have posted (daily) which now shows a confirmation of a move upwards, it has broken outof the old resistance levels and the weekly chart is showing a move to the upside is now ready on the stochastics. A few friends also were showing me some time and price turn dates and BLY is right on it ready for a move. Bit of other information from a excellent source that this baby is technically due for a run to possible the 75c levels - i dont doubt it.

Short term i will be looking for it to break 40c, when this happens i will add to my position and look for over 50c near term and then up to the 75c range target.

Stops at 32c

Hope this helps.


ALSO for got to mention i am investing in the IPO the Zurich Securities are doing for SHREE minerals. This is through my old boss Colin Vost and sounds like an excellent IPO with NO SHARES being issued under 20c and all the directors and company managements shares will be in escrow for 24months so no selling. They will be drilling in Janurary from what i understand is an already VERY prospective tenement in Tasmania next door to another big mine. Shree have contracts with Gujurat who are backed by the Largest private owned Chinese steel mill and have a keen interest in Shree. Anyway that is my 2 cents on it. If anyone wants to be involved with this IPO you can apply for shares from the website below just click on the shree prospectus and send it in to Zurich before the 23rd of December - Although it may be extended :)


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Peak Oil

Recently i have been watching a couple of documentaries regarding peak oil and the likely implications this might have on the world.

A very scary prospect actually running out of oil and what would happen to the lead up to this, the price of oil increasing dramatically, asset prices decreasing and people going hungry as they can't afford food as the price would increase in line with oil as oil is used to make/produce/transport food. Countries would go to war over oil and resources and basically anarchy would evolve until a solution is found.

My ideas from watching these documentaries would be:

1) Invest in oil as a raw commoditie and wait for the price to increase (likely timeframe until run out of oil 20 years? Price should increase over this time frame)

2) For a more practical approach invest in housing, inner city apartments or even better land in these areas, with the transport costs going up demand for inner city living should increase and thus so will the housing price. if you are wanting investment properties again always look close to public transport and close to the city and other ammenities. This will be very important in the coming years!

3) renewable energy investments, it is likely that this will bubble as more and more people start investing and there will be a lot of scammers and people who will invest in companies that will fizzle and die, like all the internet companies during the 2000 tech boom, or the Car makers that fizzled when the car was introduced and so on, but from this there will also be quality companies that will be able to improve and make substantial profits. It will be a matter of picking the right company tho

There are many other ways to take advantage of this but these are the main ones that come into mind initially, will be interesting to see what happens and how we would deal with such a massive lifestyle change. Personally i think Uranium will be the next big thing as it is cheaper and more efficient than the others...time will tell

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Correction? Incorrect?

Well it is now the question on most people lips. Is the market going to correct down and put an end to the dream run we have had from March.

Well this is a chart of the XJO that i just did and am rechecking over to make sure that i am correct because currently the futures are up a whole heap and the UK just was up over 2% and i have over $40k worth of short sells... Tomorrow might be ruff... But for the week? Well silly you might be saying opening a short but the plan was the monday would rally, tuesday would be up and then short into the highs, i did time it a bit early and decided to hold them over the end of the day then looking at the futures i began to have second thoughts.

I am still going to hold them tomorrow and close them friday because i do still strongly believe that the market is going to fall over. This is my analysis of the XJO Chart and why i think maybe this might be the last leg up :)

xjo 1-12-09

Then again if it breaks it to the upside maybe the dream run will continue...but looking at all the signs i do find this much less likely... Anyway if im wrong i will lose money on my shorts... believe me i am still stressed hehe
