About Me

My photo
I am a young invester/Trader, i mostly focus on Short term or Intra day trading on the equities or Forex markets. I have recently completed my Bachelor of Commerce double major in Finance and Property. I have also completed my RG146 in securities and Financial planning and while trading is a passion my desire is to work within the stockbroking industry or as a trader for an investment bank. This blog I have set up to help share ideas to others on trades and tips i have picked up from my time in the market. I hope you enjoy my blog and some of my ideas :)

Twitter / scilliams

This blog i have designed for a bit of fun, education and sharing of my thoughts in regards to trading the ASX or general equities trading and also FOREX trading. I am no expert and nothing on this blog should be taken as financial advice, it is merely just a tool for myself to share any trading thoughts i have and for people to enjoy reading :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010



Well as most of you know i have accepted a stockbroking job (triple c). I am yet to find out the full details as to what i am able to share and not share through blogs and twitter to the general public but i will still be providing research and insights to any clients.

I am to do a weekly update and to provide market thoughts to those who are clients as i strongly feel brokers NEED to keep in touch with clients and provide opportunities to them to profit from the markets!

I have a lot of ideas i want to bring to my new office and hopefully i will be able to share these in the near future.

Thanks to everyone who read and supported this blog and hopefully you all made some money from a few of my ideas that i shared on here.

If you liked my charts and ideas please feel free to contact me and i will be happy to continue sending you my thoughts once i start work!

Email: scilliamstrading@gmail.com

Once i start work i will put up all my other contact details should anyone want to contact me.

Happy to help and happy trading :)

See you on the STREET!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This is my chart for CTX you have seen it a few times.

Anyway turn date today, and it happened to put in a swing from the previous day.

Risk is relatively small to the lows of the previous day with stops suggest being under 11.50 swing low. Target i don't know if you will see more than $12 but somewhere around there is where i am thinking.


Not to much trading for me i am focusing on the Index and FX for now but this did catch my attention.


Friday, October 29, 2010

Quick Chart

Quick chart on NVT


Gotta run! i will get an update up this weekend :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weekend Update


Had a fairly busy weekend here, got a few charts up. Certainly thinking we are nearing a short term top but i guess we have been for a while. After this week i will be focusing on doing some short term index and forex trading and stocks will take the back seat!

Here are some thoughts.

The first is the XJO. Looks to be in a rising channel but with all the lower swing tops and swing lows id say its only 1 swing away breaking that and heading toward a 50% fib and that trendline. Indicators look like could break down and something to be watching.


These other charts are just on some of the stocks and i posted them on hotcopper charts this weekend so won't go into to much more detail here

First being EXT

Here is WOW

and JBH



Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Update... THE DOW!

Here is a update, had nice day today with few open shorts from over night. I'm thinking could have a bounce tomorrow if there isn't a follow through in the selling. Soon as we see a lower swing top then that will be the confirmation to short... This is a chart on the DOW JONES....


We have been similar to the April tops in that we tracked upwards with indicators in the overbought zone for an extended period of time. Again there are some significant dates and events that happened in October so if we get another rapid decline similar to the one preceding April will we get some great volatility and opportunities... i certainly think so.

The bigger picture for me is a sideways market for a extended period.

I recently sent my resume off to a few stockbroking firms and maybe soon i will be giving professional advice and learning a new side of the market. I'm excited for this challenge and feel i could bring my trading skills into this profession and make myself and all my clients some money in a hard market!

Anyway ill try get some more up this arvo or later in the week


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Terribly Sorry

Guys im sorry i haven't had to much time to update the blog.

Had interview on Monday in the city and today i was focused on making some moolah!
It looks like we have reached a near term top from the chinese interest rate decision which basically shows them cooling their economy and maybe demands for resources.

should see a strong sell off tomorrow on the markets lucky we got some nice shorts in there on the resource sector!

If only we had some gold and NCM...bit late grrr

always next time.

I will try get some charts up hopefully if i see something worth while.

Happy trading :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Long John Silver

I have been having a look at silver and gold lately.

Silver is at the 50% of the previous major rise. There are also a few time dates that land on this week month so suspecting that it will be a top if it play out. Certainly seems pretty toppy being at the top of this channel. Should we begin to break out i will have to cover short positions... Hopefully not and hope even more they don't just do a fake out.


All my weekly and daily indicators are up the top and it is so extended from its EMA's so i suspect will try pulling back towards these... Targets would be around 21.50 to 22 initially and longer view back to 20 support.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Gann - BHP

Ok so for those of you that follow this blog i thought i would share a bit of gann stuff in regards to time and price on BHP.

Firstly this does not really mean that a turn must happen but it certainly does give weight to anyone looking to get a short position.

How i would trade this tomorrow (Tuesday) is that i would apply openers rule for my position 1. So this means i will take 1/3 or 1/2 of a full position when price falls below the opening price. Should it open and go flying up to around 41.60 area i will take some of a position and just give it a wide stop loss as this position wont be huge. Then i would add to this position on the first confirmed lower swing top. After that stops are moved down to the highs and i will look for $39 or around here as my target....

This first chart i have is a repeating time range chart. This shows the move down from april highs to the lows in may as a time and how often it has repeated and called turns.


The second his the Square root turns. This is the high or low price of a point on the chart and finding the square root of this and then turning it into calendar days and projecting forward to find a turn date on the stock.


The third chart is showing the significant number of time and price turns landing on and around the 11/12th of october. Mostly trading days but some significant calendar days from prior highs and lows.


This last chart shows the indicators clearly in the over bought area of the chart as well as the Square of 9 resistance from the April tops. This is resistance at 41.69. This level 41.60 is also significant for BHP as it is a multiple of the all time lows and has proven to be resistance previously.


The last chart i am posting is the monthly range of BHP which is around $4. We can see that price is currently at the 50% level of this a very strong failure point and another factor for us looking for a turn.


That is my analysis on BHP. I wouldn't normally share that but thought i would try rewarding those who actually read this blog regularly and provide some out side of the box analysis on a major stock that is regularly traded.

Should we not get a nice openers rule or a good entry we might not even take a position but it certainly does help the argument that the market that we could have a slight correction this week with so many cycles lining up.

Hope that was enlightening



Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Gold Parabolic

I did another post on gold but this one is just basic. Thought i would overlay the XJO and show the parabolic rise there and what gold is doing at the moment. Im not gonna bother picking a top but i know what the result is going to be...


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

AUD/USD ... are you kidding me?

SO SO SO.... that RBA decided to leave rates on hold today (as i expected, pffft as if they would raise them with inflation steady, housing data not to hot and where the AUD was!)

There are many problems associated with having a strong currency especially for exporters.

Anyway. After the announcement and the subsequent fall in the AUD/USD i looked for an entry. I scalped a few pips here and there but hadn't built my position yet.

Now i am in from an average of around 9620 and its currently trading over 9660... are you kidding me?

Anyway stops are higher up for my positions being spread. Basically i dont want it to go over the weekly CPP or higher as this would not be good for the shorts.

However based on the chart below i feel quite confident in my analysis and why i am short... Only thing i should have done better was WAIT for a entry higher up then i could have same Dollar risk with more potential profit also.

Anyway would be about the same. Hope the chart helps. I did a video but cant upload for some reason, i will try put that up as it is more detailed.

Basically what i am seeing is no retrace. We have broken out of the trend channel and also broken a 4 hourly low. Now we should make a 4 hour lower top and then away we go to the short side.... in theory...



Sunday, October 3, 2010

Weekly Update

I am thinking because it is so time consuming to post here i might limit it down to once a week (weekends) is when i do most my analysis.

I mean i don'd mind sharing my thoughts but it takes so long to post charts up and for this reason i will limit this unless people want specific things answered then please feel free to send me an email and i will work on your questions. scilliamstrading@gmail.com

Anyway i will give my update and thoughts for the week but in much more detail.

Try make it more of a newsletter wrap up thing but with more of a focus of what i will be watching in the week. Obviously it is better to follow on twitter as i update that live as i am taking trades and see things. But remember you all need to make your own decisions. I will try doing videos during the week when i have the time. :)

FIRST WEEK OF OCTOBER: we are now into the first week of October... where has this year gone!

This week there is the RBA interest rate decision and that will have a major play on the markets im assuming. (personally i dont think they will raise interest rates) i feel that the AUD has been given to much probability of a rate rise and will get sold off on the announcement regardless...

I am this week going to watch JBH. I feel JBH might be coming near to making a top and taking a decline back to between $15 or $17 area. (indicated by the blue highlight on chart)


This area is also 180 degrees or square of the highs and coincidently the 50% fib level from the last major range up. There are 2 major repeating ranges down both which project a target to around this area. From here i want to see a lower top formed with over bought Daily indicators. Once this has happened i would look to take the entry. However i should indicate that i want this to be within 25% of my monthly ranges.

I am thinking JBH will be a great long for monday when you play the openers rule with it. I would be looking for a target around initially $21 and then $21.20 area. Once a swing looks confirmed i will open a short position with stops over the highs at $22.50 area and try and short the stock back down to around $15/$17. I will assess as the position begins to shape up as there is still the risk that it will make a double top before going down.

I thought i would share that plan here as its open to interpretation and is more of a longer term look for the stock.

Hope it was useful :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Video on MQG

Trade i did on MQG here is the video...



Sunday, September 26, 2010


Looking at the gold chart all you can do is think WOW that is a big rise!

We seem to keep wanting to short gold but patience is probably the best way to deal with this chart. Obviously $1300 was going to be a significant level but do we really think it will stop there? I DONT KNOW!

I have just done this chart to show the first major range on gold reached 150% and pulled back. I have drawn a horizontal black line at this level and another one at 161.8% of that move. To me a parabolic rise like this only ends going one way and that is down!

When or where from is the more refined art of this 'top picking' game. I certainly think gold could push through $1300 and even up to $1350 if it rapidly accelerated north i would be so confident in saying that this is a top and a major correction will follow.

I have included the fib levels as well as the strong $1000 level on the chart with a repeating range. These would be the areas i would watch as a profit level. Should gold begin to make any lower swing tops i will begin to short it and try ride it for a couple months down to these levels.

But this will develop in time :)


I will put up some more charts soon :)


Here is a chart i did on BHP for a friend.

Higher lows and looks to be in a bit of an uptrend but it will be coming into that trendline and i would maybe expect it to reject and could get short from there?

Will be interesting to see how this week plays out but im sure we will have plenty of good opportunities to make some dollars :)



Here is a chart on TLS...

I don't normally trade TLS but interesting for those that want to...


Friday, September 24, 2010

Range and Swing Trading Video

Hey Guys

Sorry i always forget to update this frequently! it must annoy so im sorry i will try do it more and more. Although i am very active on twitter so if your on there just buzz me and ask me to explain something and im more than happy to post charts or video up here or youtube to try explain my crazy antics... as im sure my desk explains 'organised chaos'

Anyway here is a video i did today on the range and swing trading i try and do.


If you want more information and videos about this trade the trade is excellent and has some videos on his site under ranges


I will flick up some charts this weekend and more frequently as i now have the profit source so i will try be more organised with my analysis etc...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

CTX Update

This is my CTX chart as you know if you read this blog.

Anyway this is why i took a short position on CTX where it is today. Stops to be tight would be just over the 12.60 area but to give it a lower double top/double top scenario i would look to put stops over 12.75 (previous highs in April)


Lets see what the market wants to do. Purely speculative and no lower swing top to confirm this trade!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

NCM Turn Dates


I am sorry i didn't actually put up a chart and i only will share this here.

Although this trade has not worked due to the fact it broke the highs it made on Friday's turn date i have also included another chart on a weekly view.

These dates all lined up as showen on the daily. There were also dates coming from a weekly and monthly timeframe for NCM and why i was taking Position 1 short trades. We are still in a small speculative short but those stops are really wide for now.

Anyway thought i would share this and i think its and excellent example why you cant just rely on time or 'turn dates' as they obviously don't always work.


This chart is just my weekly chart showing the trendline on the channel and how price is coming to the top... there are a few repeating ranges here but i have not included them on the charts.


I will try updating more regularly :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Swing chart...


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Re Evaluation

Hey Guys,

Been an interesting start to the week so far. I have been bit busy with a few things but markets not providing the opportunities i would like. I actually am getting a new charting software which im really looking forward to so i will update more charts when i have that.

But the market really isnt playing into my bias at all at the moment so im thinking i will stick to the day trades and re evaluate as we become more clear with the direction. Over night at this stage is a gamble and i dont like pulling the leaver im the house thanks :)

So i might pop a video up later on or something on a couple day trades :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Update on the swings

sorry guys i have been away a bit this week. been slack i know but when the market is crappy i dont like being to bullish or bearish as i have found i dont have to be in a position. i was very scalpy so that was great but until i get a much clearer perspective on the markets i dont like giving to much to people.

Anyway i thought id just post my standard XJO chart for you all to see and isn't it interesting how its 100% in both time and price... could be nice for a turn but lets just see. it could keep going and be equal to the last run up... wouldnt that be nice for the bulls...

anyway good week here and enjoy the charts ill try get a few more up :)


Thursday, September 9, 2010


This is a stock i have held in my cash account for a long time and one i have gotten many family and friends into. Excellent company with excellent potential. The announcement the other days regarding the MOU with chinese for the railway was a huge step forward in the project so i thought i would elaborate the plans better through charts for those that are wanting to take profits along the way.

I love the stock long term and holding until production will be my target but as you all know i do trade and do charts so i thought i would post a few for this one...

Please make your own decisions and no advice is given. Remember you need to sell to make money but its up to you when you do that :)

this chart shows the cycles of a stock and generally how things work..


These next 2 just show simple repeating ranges and profit levels using support and resistance...



Happy trading guys :)

Monday, September 6, 2010


Chart for AUD/USD 6th of september.
Not only are there quite a lot of significant turn dates happening on this date but i see a strong down trend line from the highs back over 94c (down trending pink line) with a steep rising wedge on the 1 hourly. It is a speculative position but i have taken some shorts with higher high stops... More as it progresses.


Saturday, September 4, 2010

XJO Swings...

Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates i was a bit out of wack this week after the conference all weekend and didn't feel in sync with the market. Certainly felt like a random week so trying to spend some time doing a few charts and getting my head straight for the week to come!

Anyway this is my swing chart i keep updating. We are in a range but i mean this certainly could start to suggest we might keep on moving on up?


There are some significant turn dates monday and also wednesday so i guess the smart thing to do would be to wait and see? but certainly will be an interesting week with the US having a holiday...

anyway ill try get a few more charts up with a few ranges :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

FOREX FUNdamentals

First of all i just want to say Thanks to everyone who came on Sunday to the conference, was a great bunch of people there and im so glad i got to speak to so many. The feedback has been great and ill try organise another one sometime soon!

Anyway i decided i would show you guys a bit of fundamental knowledge you can use to help your trading of the foreign exchange markets. This video is on the MEXICAN Peso so please enjoy :)


Thursday, August 26, 2010

AUD Trade Completed

As per the Analysis that i did on the AUD last week i just made a quick video showing its completion to target and where we took profit for 245 pips :)



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Perth Trading Conference

Here are the details for Those who have missed or still looking at coming.

As per Hotcopper.com


Hey Guys,

Well the Perth Meet is THIS WEEKEND the 29th of August!! Now that we are closer to the date will give a bit more of a clear cut plan.

So on the Saturday night we are planning on heading out on the town and having a few drinks and a dinner and anyone who is wanting to come is more than welcome but be warned i hear there is a lot of rum coming over from queensland ;)

For Saturday night we will meet at the Rydges hotel in the City (815 Hay St, Perth WA ) at around 5pm. From there we will decide where we will go based on the numbers that are wanting to head out etc. (Belgium beer cafe?) All suggestions welcome.

After the Saturday nights festivities we will all wake up (hopefully) and head to the Siderno Cafe for the meeting. Below is the itinerary

DETAILS: Perth HC meeting will be held on SUNDAY 29TH AUGUST 2010, This is at the SIDERNO CAFE (224 Main Street Osborne Park WA 6017)

The Cost will be $30 and this will include a full buffet lunch courtesy of Siderno Cafe. Money will be collected on the day so bring CASH and you will be issued a name tag.

Alcohol will be served at a discount rate to those attending so remember to say your thanks to those at Siderno :)

The Itinerary

9:30am meet and greet in the cafe (coffee's and socialising collections of money)
10:30am Welcome and introduction
10:40 First Speaker Scilliams on trading using swings and ranges
11:30am Second speaker begins Haspete on trading and using indicators with penny stocks
12:15pm Prep for lunch
12:30pm Lunch (buffet included in costs drinks optional purchased on your own for half price)
1:30pm End of Lunch
1:40pm Third Speaker Robbbbbbb - How to profit from the Market and trading mastery
2:30pm Interactive charting Exercise with Sharks37
3:15pm Break/intermission
3:30pm Question time with Spearks and JD, Askier and others who wish to participate
4:30pm End of meet Packup

We are likely to have a dinner and drinks at the Siderno cafe for dinner but we need to book a table as we have not allocated to stay for this long. If you want to stay around for dinner chats and a drink your more than welcome but please let me know so i can pre book you a spot!

Should be a great weekend for all and thanks for the help everyone!

Please send me an email and let me know if your coming (with HC nicname also)/not coming and want to stay for dinner or not as trying to get a better idea of numbers coming!


Thanks guys looking forward to it :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This is the 4 corners documentary on the credit crisis and the one that might unfold!

Very interesting watch id recommend it.



Saturday, August 21, 2010

SPI Gann Plan..

Here is my chart showing the turns and horizontal resistance points.

These dates are what i use and were provided by Rob (tradethetrade) here are my thoughts on the market and why my bias is so bearish into early September.


Friday, August 20, 2010



been lazy yesterday made video on my friday arvo
here is a vid on the trades i took today MQG and LEI ill post my thoughts on market this weekend ... get read to be SCARED lets see what dow does tonight tho


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Trade Video from the AUD setups below...

I have booked some on the position trade and scalped some of it! wow happy with whats happend already

targets are 8775 and stops still on highs 9050+ for position


Enjoy the video :)

AUD/USD Continued

Ok i have taken my positions as indicated from twitter average is 9015

I dont know how much more analysis i could do on this pair but i guess now its time to step back and see if she works!!

This analysis here should go in conjunction with the charts below as the ones below are the TARGETS and this is the ENTRY and why

Now we hold and prey cauz we are loaded!!



WHY WE ENTERED AND WHAT WE LOOKING FOR... (see charts on previous post also)



These are the charts i have for AUD. We had turns on the index near the tops and that has played now we would look for a 50% rise and fail (lower swing top) to confirm the move and add into this position.

AUD has failed at this point and looks to be heading down. This now needs to get through the 50% of the rise up fib which has not been included on the chart but it does look good to complete to 75% or 100% of the range.


This target area coincides with the monthly range projections and would certainly present a good take profit area for those who have got the shorts from either the highs on the turn or from the lower swing confirmation.


Lets see if this all plays out but risk to reward now on the added position is minimal with stops moved to the lower swing top highs.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

AUD and EURO trade

Here is a video on the trades we took this arvo



ill do a video on this in a bit as i said but this is the chart i saw and what i traded from.


Monday, August 16, 2010

aussie trade update

Here is video updating the trade i just took on aussie.

we closed half for 8pips and rest got stopped break even. Another leg up maybe then get short into an ABC correction as per charts posted on weekend??

This was what i thought maybe happen now, head and shoulders... maybe still?



Setup im looking at for scalp at least back to 88


video i did for London analysis...



Saturday, August 14, 2010


Market time and price chart i keep...

Whats the story? Maybe if my AUD thoughts play out then this market could be getting bullish also?? mmmmm


Currency Update

AJ (president) and AU (aussie) chart updates from last weekend were i suggested rising wedge on AJ should fall outta bed and the same for Aussie... Enjoy the charts

Plans for Aussie


Updates chart on AJ


Friday, August 13, 2010

zeee president


Aussie jappy set up

Plan for Aussie Jappy similar to Aussie Dollar...

If they dont give me another quick leg up im not all that comfortable loading in where they are but might see if can scalp them..


NCM Range Trade

Missed this one which was annoying! I hate working longer than 1 hour!!

Anyway forex this arvo looks like its on the cards been a good week with not a single losing trade! (touch wood) See if we can carry that on this arvo on friday the 13th!! eeeeek maybe i should just open a beer and start the weekend early ;)


Thursday, August 12, 2010


Here is a video on a few scalps i did on cable this arvo...


MQG trade

Here is a video documenting the MQG trade we took this morning.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Technical Difficulties...

Reallllllllly annoy me...

FX platform decided to completely die, re-installed new versions, didnt have my layouts, still unable to get some indicators to work...

Hours of time wasted and many pips down the toilet!!

The joys of computers fella's


LEI Trade

Hey guys,

Just testing this out, want to start uploading a few videos as now have a Mic so will try share a few trades and ideas through video. Seems a bit better like that and i prefer that just testing a few things for quality and sound etc but yeh see how we go.



Tuesday, August 10, 2010


This is my analysis for a cable short position trade.

dont know if i like the thumbnails so thought id try this one with full size images see how it goes...

I see repeating range happening here....


Also then i see it rejecting from the 61.8% fib of the main drop. It broke previous highs so i would think this would be a trend change to longside is the main concern so this is more a short position trade scalp thing to take it long from around 1.55 or 1.53 area...


And this is where and how i get into it and what i will be watching for...


Anyway it could be risky but if i can catch trend change for couple 100 pips im laughing ;)

Keep it tight boys and girl :)

Monday, August 9, 2010


This is my BHP Gann resistance levels...

As for the time one... One could argue that today was a turn date and look where it is at the price levels... Certainly going to be interesting and ill watch closely but rob is the master of BHP and as always with BHP... i was early!


Thursday, August 5, 2010


Update on CTX,

I have turn date today, I actually wanted it to open around 10.80 level and for price to fall through the open. This could be a wave 4 of a 5 wave down however i have a few differnt thoughts but i have not got charts on the web to share so you will just have to deal with this one and make your own conclusions and trade plans.



Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Hey Guys,

Have not done to much this week as yet, Stocks look toppy but i will wait for turn before jumping into to much. Just day trades here as per Twitter and looking at the currencies a fair bit.

One that has been going so well is GBP/USD. Such a strong move up and its getting silly now i really cant see how it can keep going. It's now at the 61.8% fib of the drop and what i would call some resistance and a sell zone. Maybe on a lower top you could try catch a trend change. I am looking for it to get back down to one of the fibs of the move up and then take it long again...

If you look back you will see my old GBP/USD chart. Never really got that pull back but looks like its worked perfectly!!

Anyway Enjoy :)


Saturday, July 31, 2010


This post will try and explain average daily range trading on currency as best as i possibly can. I will start from a monthly application then move to weekly and finally to daily to try and explain the concept...

Basically the concept of ADR trading is to always have a 2:1 risk reward and so you know levels where you might look at taking profit. Enter within 25% of the range exit at 75% = 2:1 risk reward...simple? It is what works for me and what i have been taught but harder to implement. I have never really done it much on currency trades but was interested to see its application so this post will try and demonstrate the concept.

Basically what you want to do is let price go down or make a low and then once it comes back through the open (think of a candle and the wicks) then you will take a long position and stops below the lows. Should the candle make a high and fall through the open we take a short position.... We want the price to go down only 25% of the ADR so max the price can go down from the open is 25%. We never want to risk more than 25% of the ADR if we are going to trade this method otherwise your risk reward is not good. (sometimes i allow 33% but stick to 25% for now) so for these examples i use the aussie dollar as the currency we will follow. I use IG markets custom indicator to give me the ADR. (below)


So here we have a ADR of 640 pips on a MONTHLY for the Aud/Usd so the max risk of this should be 25% * 640 = 160 pips. the open for the month is 0.8415 so we are allowed to let price fall a MAXIMUM of 8415 - 160 = 0.8255 is the max risk we are allowed. If price makes a low below this we could not enter and need to wait for the next month but we can still use the weekly and daily ranges for trades. But on a monthly we will look and see what limit and projections price can get to...

Ok i will now try and demonstrate with the charts how this could be applied... I should also say it is generally better when you have a clear indication of what u think the market could do but once price has come through the open on be it a monthly, weekly or daily basis i can apply the ranges to give me target levels and failure levels (50%) but i will show this once i have given a better understanding of the concept...

First i will start with a MONTHLY ADR. the Range Which is the high - low of the last 20 months and the AVERAGE of this. So 20 months the average of the highs - lows or range which is (according to IG markets) 0.0639 so say 640pips in a month (see picture above) is 100% of the range. So the low of this month (July) is 0.8315 (according to GFT) So from this low we would add 640 pips. This will be 100% of the range. This target level takes it to 0.8955. Ok so lets look back now at the charts.


This chart shows a monthly with the candles. I have marked the open the lows and then price coming back up through the open. WE can see it is coming of a 61.8% fib level so if we are BULLISH on the AUD we would take this long on a POSITION trade and look for our 75% and 100% target levels based on the ADR which is to the 0.8955 level... lets remember that is where we are looking to take profit and this is our POSITION trade. We entered as soon as price moved back through the open and stops at the lows or at the 25% level of the ADR (should normally be around support/res levels as well. So we enter the trade at 0.8415 through the open with stops at 0.8314 lows... That is a risk of 101 pips and initially we would look for 75% level as target which would be (ADR 640 * 75% = 480. Lows of 8315 + 480 = 0.8795 target) That is still a risk reward of over 4.5 times! Now we can move into a weekly and see those trades...

WEEKLY: ADR = 320pips

Here the open is 0.8417 and we are allowed 25% of 320 = 80pips risk.
The lows here are 0.8316 so this is 8417 - 8316 = 101 pips of risk. Which is outside of our 25% risk. (this is why i sometimes use 33% as this allowed 105 pips to the lows and if you are confident in the position and trade you can do this also but keep it tight!) So say we take this trade based on the 1/3 or 33% of the ADR we would enter when price went through the open at 0.8417 and stops at the lows - 1 pip so 0.8315 stops so a risk of 102 pips to potentially gain a 100% or 320 pips or 75% of 320 which is 240 pips still over 2:1 risk reward.

This chart below shows the weeks in question...


So here we are now looking for a target of say 75% initially which would take us to 0.8556 (Lows + 75% of weekly ADR) 8317 + 240 = 8558. Should price be going through this we could take 100% and accept no less than 75% or 50% of the ADR and keep moving stops up. 100% takes us to (8317 + 320 = 8637) As we can see the highs of this week got us to 0.8791 which well exceeded the 100% of the range and if we were using trailing stops we would have captured a huge move that netted us a lovely profit!!

I wont go through the other week but i will now zoom into a daily and show you how that apply's there and how it can be used for the weekly and monthly targets...


That image shows the Monthly 100% target and where you would take and entry based on the daily candles as it has made lows and passed through the open. We are bullish and that is our direction so we look to the target levels. It is within 25% of our monthly ADR so we take the trade.

The first week of july doesnt look pretty and for a weekly trade it exceeds the entry criteria after the first 2 candles so i didnt go into details there as can get confusing. Lastly i will show the daily candles and ranges these are the ones you can try focusing on as when you move down time frames it can get difficult to understand where you would enter etc but that was the ranges on a bigger scale and to show you the application. Certainly a daily is where they all begin so start here and maybe just use the DEMO account to practice these if anyone feels the need.

The daily ADR is around 105pips on the A/U. So you are allowed to take an entry within 25% of this as long as price pushed back through the open then you look for 75% as first target as per the examples on the monthly and the weekly... So 25% is 26pips and 75% is 78pips. So apply the same rules. From open - 26 pip is within there and pushes back through open take it long or if it falls through take it short and exit within 78pips which is from the low. (Low + 78 = 75% of the range)


The picture above i have demonstrated which trades you would be taking on a daily perspective for the ADR to work. These are generally all within the 25% rule or very close. The moved through the open and you would take the trades long or short as indicated. You can see the ones that create wicks if you work out your exits you would be surprised how nicely your profit taking levels of 75% work. Generally if these are around the support and resistance levels or pivots then just work as ideal levels to take your profits.

I have put on there how many pips were potentially made throughout the month using only that strategy on those days. That does not include the pips you would make on a monthly and weekly trades which i will leave to you guys to work out from the charts i put earlier on in the post.

There are a few other rules you can use with your ADR trades such as. Once you have reached the 50% level of the trade put your stops to your break even as once your risk = reward you should never let it turn into a loss. Also move stops up as you hit target levels if you dont want to take profits. Generally once it is through the 75% level i wouldnt accept much less than 75% as sometimes it can fall all the way back down. But other times it can run to over 150% of the range so its about knowing when to let your profits run and when to cut them. But this takes time to work out and you can use trailing stops if you like. But this is up to the users discretion...

HOPE that was not to much reading and i feel like i just typed for a decade trying to explain that. I wouldn't recommend jumping for joy and going all crazy on the strategy as it is hard to master but if you have your basic technical analysis mastered then you can give it a shot.

Hope it was interesting and thats an insight to how i have been taught to trade.
If you want to see more i recommend looking at 'tradethetrade' channel on youtube as he posts some excellent videos more on stocks than anything but it is the same concept and he is who taught me what i know!!

Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/TradeTheTrade

Anyway guys peace out and have a GREAT weekend. Lets see if we can make as many pips in August!!!

