About Me

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I am a young invester/Trader, i mostly focus on Short term or Intra day trading on the equities or Forex markets. I have recently completed my Bachelor of Commerce double major in Finance and Property. I have also completed my RG146 in securities and Financial planning and while trading is a passion my desire is to work within the stockbroking industry or as a trader for an investment bank. This blog I have set up to help share ideas to others on trades and tips i have picked up from my time in the market. I hope you enjoy my blog and some of my ideas :)

Twitter / scilliams

This blog i have designed for a bit of fun, education and sharing of my thoughts in regards to trading the ASX or general equities trading and also FOREX trading. I am no expert and nothing on this blog should be taken as financial advice, it is merely just a tool for myself to share any trading thoughts i have and for people to enjoy reading :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Times spent in bank lines!

Well i decided to post the other WBC chart i have on time cycles. It really has been lovely now that we have a major high and low to work from so recently. They really will play a factor on many of the stocks and indicies for the next while no doubt.

Here we can see WBC time dates in the gann cycles of 30 and 45's. These turns i have market with extra importance of the dates that align being the 180, 270, 360, 450. The next date of 540 which aligns both the 45 and 30 day cycles comes in on the 17/7/2010 so keep that in mind also :)

I have also included the major cycles that work here. The all time high was $31.32 so if i project this into calander days as being 313 Days we are given to dates that produced highs (one not included on chart) but is the date of 9/9/2008 if anyone wanted to check and with the one we have included being the 19/7/2009 which actually produced a low and the market turned up from here. The next date i will be watching will be the 28th of May, if the market is running down into this date and it forms a reversal candle it could be a good long opportunity. The turn on the 480 cycle which is for the 18th comes in on tuesday and that looks like it will be a run down from there seeing as monday will be down?? Just my best guess. (maybe run down into the 28th then turn up?)

The All time lows were $14.40 and i have projected this as a 144 calander days forward. These have given the to dates indicated witch both have come in as tops. The next date comes in on the 19/8/2010 so another one i will watch closer to the time.

I hope this chart isnt to messy it really is my 'working' edition and i didnt really neaten it up. I will try a bit better next time :)

Just some more things to keep in the back of your head :)

WBC time cycles

1 comment:

  1. What are your thoughts on CBA? I got a tip from a broker at Macquarie. Haven't had a chance to look at it in great depth, but the yield alone in looking pretty sexy!

